Child Custody & Visitation

Protecting Your Custody and Visitation Rights in Texas.

Child custody in Texas is referred to as “conservatorship” that determines the legal rights and responsibilities of each parent. Texas family courts have a policy in favor of joint conservatorship and equal sharing of parenting decisions.

You can negotiate a plan together or a judge will define the terms of the arrangement. The best interest of the children is the primary concern in creating a parenting plan. We will help you fight for the right to make decisions that are in your children’s best interest.

If you are seeking primary custody of your children, the attorneys at The Rainwater Firm will help you prepare your case for court. Our team has years of experience litigating for primary custody and seeking appropriate visitation rights.

Child Support and Texas Standard Guideline Calculations (TSGC)

Our firm will help you understand how to calculate child support using the Texas Child Support Guidelines. Where there is cause to deviate from the Child Support Guidelines we will help present your case to a judge for a just and accurate ruling.

Establishment of Paternity

If you need help proving or disproving paternity of a child or are facing a paternity suit, we will work to help you resolve your case efficiently.