
Court Orders and Agreements are Frequently Considered for Modification.

If your life’s circumstances change after your divorce is final in Texas, it could cause a previously acceptable legal agreement to put a strain on you and your family. A substantial change may occur in your life, your former spouse’s life or in the life of a child that may necessitate a change in the court order.

Don’t let unworkable court orders in your case stand in the way of you and your family’s best interests. The attorneys at The Rainwater Firm are here to help you assess your situation and guide you through the modification process.

Court Orders and Agreements that may be Modifiable:

  • Divorce decrees (including spousal maintenance)
  • Custody and visitation orders
  • Child support
  • Premarital or postnuptial agreements

Verbal Modifications Are Not Enforceable

While many couples or ex-spouses try to make verbal changes to their agreements on their own, these are not legally binding and can often lead to disputes and legal complications.

For example, if the other parent agrees to receive less child support, but the court does not order a modification at some future date, you could be found to be in serious arrears — and most importantly, in contempt. Verbal agreements are not enforceable if conflicts arise.

Our team will walk you through the needed changes to your agreement and ensure that the agreement is legal and binding. Schedule a consultation today with one of our lawyers, by calling our office at 713-337-5000.