Prenuptial Agreement

If it’s important to you, get it in writing.

Considering a Prenuptial Agreement?

You or your future spouse may feel a premarital agreement will corrode the marriage. You may believe it shows a lack of trust or that assets will be divided unfairly.

A prenuptial agreement or “prenup” can actually be a useful tool as you prepare for marriage in Texas. These legal contracts can help avoid stress, expense and negative interactions in the event of marriage dissolution.

At the Rainwater Firm, our attorneys will consult with you as to whether a premarital agreement is right for your situation. We will help you reach an amicable and fair agreement.

Common Issues when Considering a Prenuptial Agreement

  • You did not initiate this and are emotionally distraught
  • You are willing to enter into the contract, but need help to negotiate terms
  • You feel you do not have equal bargaining power
  • You are worried you could be left with nothing in a divorce
  • You want a sensible agreement, but your future spouse is hesitant to sign one
  • Your future assets such as income, inheritance, retirement accounts and property are unknown

Our team is here to support you and work toward ensuring that your best interests are preserved through a premarital document. We are prepared to inform and guide you with reassurance and clear explanations so that you feel confident in the outcome of your prenuptial agreement.